Jennie Higginbotham
Course Description
The Advanced Placement Literature and Composition course is designed to teach beginning college level composition skills, to develop a strong foundation in literary analysis and critical thinking, and to provide a diverse reading experience. The Advanced Placement Literature and Composition course follows the curricular requirements described in the AP English Course Description.
Semester 2 - The Advanced Placement Literature and Composition class meets 5 days a week for one hour and thirty minutes for 18 weeks. Daily, weekly, and unit writing assignments are given. The purpose for the readings and the writings is to make you a more mature reader, writer, and thinker. The skills developed in this class will be life long learning skills.
Selections for AP Literature and Composition (The Middle Ages to the 20th century) are chosen from Perrines’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense and Internet sources. Selections of poetry, drama, short fiction, and novels are chosen to reflect a beginning college level course. A STRONG emphasis is place on writing.
Write For College
- “How to Write a Literary Analysis”
- “How to Write With Examples”
- “How to Write a Definition”
- "How to Write a Comparison or Contrast”
Please Note:
• All papers include the College Header located in the upper left of paper.Name
Due Date
Period 1
Name of topic/subject
• Papers due by 11:59 PM of due date
(10 points late day one, 20 points late day two, day three – paper not accepted)
• Save document as an RTF file.
• 12 font New Times Roman or Ariel, black ink, 1.5 – 2inch line spacing, 1 inch margins, In-class writing is written in blue/black ink (no pecncil).
• Watch for widows and orphans.
• Plagiarized papers will receive an automatic zero. Plagiarism constitutes three or more consecutive words copied from another unless “quotations” are used. \
God made YOU an intelligent person – do ALL to the glory of GOD.
Additional in and out of class AP Test preparation exercises will be distributive throughout the semester using samples provided by College Board's® Advanced Placement Program® and Kaplan.
Upon completion of this course, you should know the following: • A wide-ranging, college-level vocabulary used appropriately and effectively;
• A variety of sentence structures, including appropriate use of subordination and coordination;
• How to use logical organization, enhanced by specific illustrative detail;
• How to use, analyze, and interpret samples of good writing, identifying and explaining an author’s use literary devices;
• How to use appropriate conventions in writing, including consistent voice, tone, diction, grammar, and mechanics;
• How to use feedback obtained through peer review, instructor comments, and/or other sources to revise writing;
• How to assess one’s own writing strengths and identify strategies for improvement through instructor conference, portfolio review, written evaluation, and/or other methods;
• How to generate, format, and edit writing using appropriate technologies;
• How to move effectively through the stages of the writing process, with careful attention to inquiry and research, drafting, revising, editing, and review.
- Marble Composition
- Post-it notes
- 2 pocket folders and/or a section of binder for handouts
- Pen - Black and/or blue
- Personal Dictionary and Thesaurus suggested
50 % tests, final essay writings, projects
30 % in class writings, quizzes
20 % journal writings, homework, and class participation